You can only take Boldenone after passing a full medical exam. The dose is chosen based on what medications the athlete has previously taken and how his body reacted to injectable steroids for sale in the usa them. The individual characteristics of the body and the purposes for which Boldenone is taken are also important.
Admission usually takes eight to ten weeks. In this case, men take up to 800 mg of the drug per week, and a woman – up to 100 mg. It is important to start with a small dose to see how the medicine affects the body. Also, it helps to track all possible side effects in time.
What can be combined with the drug?

The most effective is the combination of boldenone with drugs such as Winstrol and Anavar (if the athlete is drying) or trenbolone (if gaining weight). If the drug is taken simultaneously with testosterone, the male hormone begins to be produced in the athlete’s body in a smaller volume, so the course has to be reduced to two months. In order to reduce possible side effects simultaneously with boldenone and testosterone, it is necessary to regularly take antiestrogens.
Two weeks after stopping taking the drug, it is necessary to use boosters for three to four weeks: this will help return the level of endogenous testosterone to normal.
In order for the effect of the drug to increase, it is necessary to choose quality sports nutrition.
The most popular combinations with Boldenone are the following:
- for mass building: up to 250 mg Boldenone in combination with Testosterone Enanthate. This combination is considered the most successful for those who are just starting their journey in sports. For the first two months, you need to take 800 mg of Equipoise and 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate every week. Anastrozole is included in the tenth week of the course (half a tablet every two days). From the eleventh to the fourteenth week you need to take 20 mg of tamoxifen daily. In the last week of the course, the volume of tamoxifen must be reduced to 10 mg;
- when drying, boldenone is combined with testosterone propionate and winistrol (200 mg, 100 mg and 50 mg, respectively). Winistrol, which is included in the course after two to three months, allows you to gain quality muscle volume.
Reviews of Equipoise / Boldenone

Equipoise is a very versatile anabolic steroid that can be used for various purposes. We wouldn’t call it the most valuable or powerful anabolic steroid of all time, but it got a bad rap in some circles. This is partly due to the massive amount of fake Equipoise on the market. This is also because many people often expect benefits from the steroid for which it was not intended. If you are expecting huge mass gains from using this steroid, you will be disappointed. However, some associate the quality of the steroid solely with its ability to increase mass, inevitably giving EQ a bad name. Mass advertising isn’t the only way to review anabolic steroids; Unfortunately, this mindset has plagued many steroid forums for a long time and has seriously damaged anabolic steroid education. Equipoise can be a great addition to a well-planned cycle, but you need to understand what it can offer and the benefits it can bring you in order to get the most out of it.