Boldenone undecylenate is an anabolic androgenic steroid derived from testosterone and is better known by the trade name Equipoise, which was given to it by Squibb in the 1970s. Although Equipoise is officially classified as a veterinary grade anabolic steroid, Ciba introduced the first batches of Boldenone on the human drug pharmaceutical market in the early 1950s under the brand name Parenabol. The human drug boldenone had some success in
For decades, Equipoise was thought to be very similar to Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate). This speculation was based in part on the late Dan Duchen’s comments about the steroid. However, the two compounds are in no way similar; In fact, Duchenne would have retracted that statement, but the initial statement was enough to keep the rumor alive. If Equipoise has anything in common with any other anabolic steroid hormone, it would be testosterone, but EQ, as it is commonly called, is inherently unique. An important note about the differences in these two steroid hormones; Nandrolone has a strong progestin nature while boldenone does not have progestin properties.
Equipoise / Boldenone Functions and Characteristics

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) is a structurally modified form of testosterone. This is a very small change in the double bond added at the first and second carbon positions. This double bond significantly reduces the androgenicity of the hormone, as well as its estrogenic nature. It then binds to the very large or long undecylenate ester responsible for regulating the release of the hormone once it has entered the body. The undecylenate ester produces the maximum release of boldenone approximately 3 to 4 days after injection, followed by a slow and continuous release of the hormone for approximately 21 days.
Due to structural changes, Equipoise aromatizes approximately 50% faster than testosterone. Estrogenic side effects are possible, but more likely than with testosterone. It is not as potent as testosterone in bulking, not even close, but the reduced estrogenic activity should allow a person to see more net gains from supplementation.
See also about Nolvadex to enhance testosterone
Equipoise shares many similarities with testosterone in terms of direct enhancement properties. Common general properties include its ability to increase protein synthesis, retain nitrogen in muscles, inhibit glucocorticoid hormones, and increase IGF-1 production. Equipoise is also known to increase red blood cell count, which is common with most anabolic steroids. However, concerns have been raised about how much equilibrium may increase the red blood cell count. However, the available evidence tends to confirm that this is only a problem when extremely high doses are used for extremely long periods of time. In many ways, the increase in red blood cells provided by Equipoise can be fast and rapid, but when used responsibly, it may not represent a significant advantage or disadvantage over most anabolic steroids.
Effect of boldenone

Athletes taking boldenone most often report a slow but high-quality set of muscle mass. The slow effect of the drug is associated with a long ester (undesylenate), which is attached to the Boldenone molecule. Undecylenate is 1 atom longer than decanoate. For this reason, you can expect slower and longer muscle growth during the course of Boldenone than during the course of Nandrolone. This circumstance also determines the duration of the course – up to 10 weeks. Like Nandrolone, Boldenone is determined in the body for a long time, which should be remembered by competitive athletes. The drug increases strength and significantly increases appetite. Boldenone greatly stimulates hematopoiesis. Increasing the number of red blood cells improves the delivery of oxygen to the muscles. This makes this steroid attractive to athletes. Practically does not aromatize. Does not cause significant water retention. It does not have progestogenic activity, which means it does not cause libido suppression. In terms of effectiveness, it is comparable to nandrolone decanoate.